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Aug 10, 2018 I have a Hardt Inferno Rotessire oven 35-43. Its in good condition it works the owner before me converted it into a charcoal oven but all of the internal parts are still working. I am open to negotiations need the oven off my truck. I can be reached at.contact number. Location: fairfield; Price: $500; Tel:.contact number. Read More. Hardt gas rotisseries are designed to produce the best cooked product with the highest yield. They also provide exceptional visual appeal and are the standard for reliability. Our patented Black Body heat source used in all our gas rotisseries is highly energy efficient while providing the ultimate in roasting. Hardt INFERNO-WG Gas Rotisserie Oven – 140,000 BTU/hr Brand: Hardt The Inferno WG is a gas-fired rotisserie that allows wood logs to be burned, adding a smokey aroma to roasted. Call Us On (833) 569-7710 Hardt Parts, Manuals and Service For the last 40 years, Hardt has been designing and providing cooking equipment, starting with the rotisserie. In 1991, Hardt sold it’s rotisseries to Kentucky Fried Chicken and for the last ten years has been providing wholesale clubs like BJs, Costco, and Sam’s Club with. Hardt Inferno 3000 Stackable Double Rotisserie Oven. This Hardt Inferno 3000 Double Rotisserie Oven was known to be working when pulled from the store. Hardt chicken rotisserie - model inferno 43, hardt chicken rotisserie - model inferno 43. This hardt chicken rostisserie has a capacity 48 chickens. Model: inferno 43 -type gas,-voltage 115.
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