Welcome to Bold and Brash 2After nine years in development, hopefully, it'll have been worth the wait.Thumbnail by kae/kitts: https://soundcloud.com/on-break-lolive got less than 20 minutes left, and I don't know if im gonna use them all up before i archive this account. Theres some big changes i want to make, but since im so close to archiving, I wanted to wait.epic dial ogg:* Y'know, i sorta was hated SpongeBob, but... I realize, he needs more love than he should... So, it's time for you to BELONGS IN THE TRASH.https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/417246045433757696/423686785185611779/NkCRwaeZEP.png
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- Soundtrack
How about this one? I call it Bold and Brash. Belong in the trash? This piece of art from SpongeBob SquarePants belongs on your keys. It's a mini key chain of Squidward's painting. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode 'Artist Unknown' from season two, which aired on September 21. Squidward: Ah, how I have dreamed of this day. Tentacles, Professor of Art. What a marvelous opportunity for the people of Bikini Bottom. Bring me your huddle masses of bored house wives and I will shape them into my image. wife's head turns into Squidward's. SpongeBob: I've gotta wash the marble. I've gotta date the marble. I've gotta be the marble. I have see the sculpture within. Squidward: Here you go, buddy. SpongeBob: With this tool, I shall give birth to art. Squidward: Oh, boy. (SpongeBob taps marble with tool and breaks into pieces) SpongeBob: But, one more thing.
Bold and Brash Squidward #spongebob #painting #squidward This funny painting is a fan-art of Squidwards Tentacles masterpiece from Spongebob Squarepants called Bold and Brash.
Comment by Ian Richter
Comment by Brazil
*more like belongs in the trash. *you feel like someone already said that.
Comment by Under-Nate
now thats a hell
Comment by realger sans
Why does this exist
Comment by a plate of pasta
Comment by Epicguy2165
haha head go BrRr
Comment by Patrick star
boring start
Comment by Vesta
@ricalegal_das_grueia: [*loud bang, ominous beeping*]
Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《
@ghistofficial: lol
Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《
@matdat: Its an AU, but not popular.
Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《
@doomguyisbestgurl: no
Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《
Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《

@theunderblunder2: You stole it,
Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《
@azurl: Who'es Joe?
Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《
@kids-castorena: No
@user-447311927-262423341 Like your profile
@kids-castorena No he didn't
Comment by Okuyasu-Nijimura69
squidward has head cancer
Comment by Kids Castorena
You stole this music
Comment by 💞🏳️🌈$pr!ngF@ux🏳️🌈💞
@user-825203820 hes seen the sins of humanity
Comment by KennyVargas20
Comment by Frost the glaceon
when you were not paying atention in class and the teacher calls on u
Comment by SwapSwappy/SwapFellSwappy (SS!/SFS! Meme Paps)
the art is umcomfortable
Comment by SwapSwappy/SwapFellSwappy (SS!/SFS! Meme Paps)
@kibo1 LMFAO
Comment by GOX 3360 almost [archive]
The art
Comment by big chringe

Comment by Vesta
Comment by TS!UnderSwap Sans
squidward has seen some s**t
Comment by Super Whiting
Thank god this got 1000 likes.
Comment by Retro Style Music
*Squidward has a gun. OH WAIT OH G-
LOL at 35 best Spongebob roasts, quotes, and jokes. If you’re a fan of SpongeBob SquarePants, this page is for you.
Here, you’ll find the most awesome content from this Nickelodeon TV show. It has the most memorable parts of dialogue between SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, and Squidward. You’ll also find funny quotes of other characters from this Stephen Hillenburg TV series. So remember to share this page with your fellow fans of this animated television series.
Table Of Contents
9 Best Spongebob Roasts
Spongebob: What’s the first thing you’re gonna wish for?
Squidward: To be as far away as possible from you.
Squidward: I call it bold & brash.
Curator: More like belongs in the trash.
Janitor: Sorry, I missed that one.
Squidward: Could I have something to eat?
Conch Shell: No.
Squidward: Could I have something to eat?
Conch Shell: No.
Squidward: Can’t you say anything else but no?
Conch Shell: Try asking again.
Squidward: Could I have something to eat?
Conch Shell: No.
Mr. Krabs: You and one army bub?
Plankton: Ha-ha, look around you, Krabs.
Camera shows an army of small, green plankton surrounding the Krusty Krab.
Mr. Krabs: You planted grass?
Squidward: Oh, that was a foul!
Sandy: Tell it to your momma, Squidward!
Squidward: Momma?
Squidward’s Momma: Don’t wanna hear it!
Spongebob: Gee Squidward, maybe Santa will bring me a dictionary so I can understand what you just said.
Patrick: Who cares about a stupid star?
Spongebob: Gee Patrick, it seems you would care a lot about stupid stars considering you ARE one!
Plankton: I’m Plankton, you old hag! Your son smells like boogers.
Dad: You can’t talk to my wife that way! What do you think this is?!
Plankton: I think it’s time for you to lose some weight, fatty! That’s what is!
Grandma: Hey, you can’t talk to my grandson like that! Someone outta put you in a mental hospital!
Plankton: Someone should put you in a box floating down a river, grandma!
Grandma: You’re probably right.
Mr. Krabs: Take that filthy pile of trash with you.
Spongebob: You shouldn’t talk about Squidward like that.
If you enjoyed these clean Spongebob roasts, you’ll also enjoy this list of really funny comebacks, insults, and burns.

YouTube Compilation Video
5 Really Funny Spongebob Quotes

Painting: Are you ready kids?
Kids: Aye Aye Captain!
Painting: I can’t hear you!
Kids: Aye Aye Captain!
Painting, Kids: Ohhhh… Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Painting: Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Painting: If nautical nonsense be somethin’ you wish.
Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!
Painting: Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
Painting, Kids: Ready? SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePannnnnts!
[Hearty laugh]Painting, Kids: [SpongeBob plays flute using his nose]
Spongebob: Quick, Patrick, without thinking: if you could have anything right now, what would it be? Patrick: Um… more time for thinking.
SpongeBob SquarePants: I’m every bit as good as Larry, and if I’m not, then may I be struck by…
[rumble of thunder]SpongeBob SquarePants: … a flying ice cream truck.
[a shadow forms over SpongeBob; chimes play]SpongeBob SquarePants: And live!
[the flying ice cream truck stops short of crushing Spongebob]Larry the Lobster: [on megaphone] Please do not land flying ice cream trucks on the bathers.
SpongeBob: Hi, Kevin. I’m your biggest fan.
Kevin the Sea Cucumber: That’s nice. Security!
SpongeBob: No, no! I’ll do anything you want!
Kevin the Sea Cucumber: Go jump off a building.
[SpongeBob jumps off building, returns]
SpongeBob: Anything.
Kevin the Sea Cucumber: Punch yourself in the face.
[SpongeBob punches himself with a boxing glove]
Kevin the Sea Cucumber: Doesn’t that hurt?
SpongeBob: [Puts on a metal gauntlet with spikes] Do you want it to hurt, Kevin?
SpongeBob SquarePants: I guess Grampa SquarePants was right: Never run for a bus…
[Imitates Grampa SquarePants]
SpongeBob SquarePants: … especially one that’s going up at a 90 degree angle.
11 Best Spongebob Quotes
Spongebob Belongs In The Trash Meme
Spongebob: “Run Mr. Krabs! Run like you’re not in a coma!”
Patrick: The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
[thought bubble for Patrick shows a carton of milk tipping over and spilling]
-Patrick, don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else?
-Not until 4.
Knowledge cannot replace friendship. Patrick Star
Always follow your heart unless your heart is bad with directions. Spongebob
Sometimes we have to go deep inside ourselves to solve our problems. Patrick Star
With imagination, you can be anything you want. Spongebob
You never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Spongebob
I don’t get it. I made my house a mess, which was making it clean, which made Squidward clean my yard, but that really means he’s messing it up. But the opposite of clean is filth, which means filth is clean, that means Squidward is really making my yard a wreck, but I normally wreck my own yard which means, Squidward is being the opposite of Squidward which means he’s Spongebob! Spongebob
10 It’s not always what you say that matters, sometimes it’s what you don’t say. Mr. Krabs
One time, I saw a magician, and he did this thing, and then… well, anyway, he said that if you believe in yourself, and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true.

7 Really Funny Spongebob Jokes
Patrick: “SpongeBob, my legs are frozen solid, you’ll have to cut them off.”
SpongeBob: “I can’t do that Patrick.”
Patrick: “Why not?!”
SpongeBob: “Because I already cut off my arms!”
Patrick: “Noooo!
Patrick: “A poem by Patrick Star. Roses are blue, violets are red, I have to go to the bathroom.”
Sandy: “There ain’t nothing you can do to stop me!”
SpongeBob: “Oh yeah? What if I said … ‘blargen fedibble no-hip’?”
Sandy: “Well, I gotta admit, that slowed me down.”
Sqidward: “Repeat after me, I have no talent.”
SpongeBob: “I have no talent.”
Sqidward: “Mr. Tentacles has all the talent.”
SpongeBob: “Mr. Tentacles has all the talent.”
Sqidward: “If I’m lucky, some of Mr. Tentacles talent will rub off on me.”
SpongeBob: “If I’m lucky, Mr. Talent will rub his tentacles on my art.”
Sqidward: “Whatever.”
SpongeBob: “I don’t think we can stop the dragon with our bare hands.”
Patrick: “Yeah, we need some gloves.”
SpongeBob: “I don’t want to grow up! I want cookies!”
Spongebob Trash Can
SpongeBob: “I don’t know how to say it, but our old pal Squidward … He’s … He’s…He’s pushing up daisies!”
Patrick: “Oh, I thought he was dead.”
If you enjoyed reading these funny Spongebob jokes, you’ll also enjoy watching this hilarious video.
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