Worksheet: Raymond Carver, “Errand”
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RAYMOND CARVER In the morning he had Arlene call in for him. He showered, dressed, and made a light breakfast. He tried to start a book. He went out for a walk and felt better. But after a while, hands still in his pockets, he returned to the apartment. He stopped at the Stones’ door on the chance he might hear the eat moving about. “Little Things” by Raymond Carver Early that day the weather turned and the snow was melting into dirty water. Streaks of it ran down from the little shoulder-high window that faced the backyard. Cars slushed by on the street outside, where it was getting dark. But it was getting dark on the inside too. Discussion of themes and motifs in Raymond Carver's Errand. ENotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of Errand so you can excel on your essay or test.
Raymond Carver, “Errand” (attached)
Answer the following questions:
Raymond Carver Errand Pdf Free Template
Character Names:
One note about Russian names. People who have significant positions or wealth have several names they are called, depending on the closeness of the relationship. There is a similar but less prominent practice in the US. For example, my spouse, family, and childhood friends call me D D or D (a nickname). My colleagues and adult friends call me Denise. My students usually call me Ms. R or Prof. R (though sometimes they call me Ms. D which is an odd mix of formality and familiarity). People who do not know me call me Ms. D R. This practice can complicate a reading as the names of the characters will change depending on who is speaking. For this story it’s not overly complicated, but I’ve provided a short list of characters with multiple names.
- Anton Checkhov, Anton Pavlovich, Chekhov
- Leo Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich

Multiple Narratives:
This is an intriguing piece. It could be argued that it is actually two narratives wrapped in another loose narrative. The first narrative is the illness and death of Anton Chekhov, and the second is the narrative of the unnamed hotel valet. The first narrative is a creative non-fiction piece that relies on the diaries and biographical entries of the events surrounding Chekhov’s illness and death. The second narrative is fiction as there is no account of the event–who would worry about the thoughts and actions of a hotel valet? The two contrast nicely as we view death from two perspectives: those who are close to the deceased and the others.
For this reason, we will analyze the story twice. The analysis of most of the first half of the work is provided to you, but you will fill in the gaps and finish the second.
Analysis One
Anton Chekhov is the protagonist for the first narrative.
We could also identify Dr. Schwohrer as the protagonist for the first half, but it would be a different theme.
Opening / Exposition:
The inciting incident happens at the beginning of the story.
Inciting Incident:
While at an exquisite restaurant, Chekov hemorrhages and is taken home. His condition worsens, so he visits a health spa. Chekov repeatedly denies the truth of his health. He must face his illness and his death.
Dr Schwohrer visits him during the final moments. The doctor states he will have oxygen brought to the room. Chekov finally admits his condition by saying, “What’s the use? Before it arrives, I’ll be a corpse.”
Dr Schwohrer orders champagne. Chekhov, though in a lot of pain and having a hard time breathing, says, “It’s been so long since I’ve had champagne.” He drinks, then stops breathing, and dies.
The second narrative begins.
We must face the fact that we will die and make peace with it.
Truth Value:
1. Does the theme represent a truth in life (or not)? Explain your answer.
Analysis Two
2. Make an argument that the hotel valet is a protagonist in the story.
Opening / Exposition:
He first arrives bringing the champagne. He has recently awakened from sleep and his appearance is unkempt. We can also interpret the first narrative as the opening.
Inciting Incident:
He arrives in the morning, bearing a vase with flowers. He is unaware of Chekhov’s death. Olga is still grieving, so she ignores him for few minutes. He inspects the room and notices the cork resting near his foot. He feels compelled to pick up the cork, but does not want to intrude or bring attention to himself.
The mid-point is actually pretty elaborate. After a few moments, Olga comes to and gives the valet an errand. She asks him to go fetch the mortician. While she is giving him explicit directions, he imagines how he will successfully complete the errand. His imaginings and her directions intermingle as we get glimpes of the future events. While she is telling him of the errand, he grows pale and this could be a reflection of him realizing what has happened, yet this doesn’t ease the conflict.
After Olga stops talking, the valet reaches down without looking and picks up the cork.
Plot and Structure:
- How does Essential Literary Termsdefine a Frame Story (if you have started reading Frankenstein, you will want to note the “frame” of that story)? Make an argument that this story by Carver is a kind of frame story. What aspects of it comprise the “frame”? What is the central story?
4. What is the theme?
Truth Value:
5. Does the theme represent a truth in life (or not)? Explain your answer.
Further inquiries:
6. How do the two narratives work together? What do they do together that one story alone doesn’t do?
7. What is the author saying about death?
8. Was the doctor correct in ordering the champagne?
9. Should the doctor have refused to take him on as a patient?
10. Why does Olga ask the valet to run the errand instead of waiting for Dr Schwohrer to return?
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