Far Cry Multiplayer Community Patch LRv3 - Fixes Far Cry Multiplayer and enables a fully working in-game serverlist, it adds new panels such as the UserPanel and ServerAdmin-QuickPanel and offers an automatic Map-Downloader, also new gamemodes got added, and many new additions for Mappers.
- Cheats |
- Unlockables |
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- In every Far Cry game on console the FOV is hilariously low. What can be done about this? Battlefield 1 has an FOV slider built in. I think the FOV is also part of the reason why the position of the weapon looks so weird. You can't see the rear part of the gun at all.
- Far Cry Primal Cheat Codes: - Submitted by: David K. Console Command: - How To Activate The PC Version’s Console Commands To Cheat: 1: Go to Steam and right-click with your mouse on “Far Cry Primal” title, then select Properties. 2: Then go to “Set Launch Options and type out one of the the followings two cheats and press the Enter key to activate each cheat.
Get the latest Far Cry 4 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Far Cry 4.
Alternate Ending
First, you need to start a new game and after the first cut-scene, don't move forat least 10 minutes. Even though it tells you to explore the mansion, don't.After the wait, and alternate ending should be shown.
We have no cheats or codes for Far Cry 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no unlockables for Far Cry 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Far Cry 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Far Cry 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Valley Of Yetis DLC Achievements
Awakened! | Complete The Valley Of The Yetis Campaign (Valley Of The Yetis). | 50 |
Builder | Complete One Relay Station Upgrade Quest (Valley Of The Yetis, Single Player Only). | 25 |
Home Sweet Home (secret) | Occupy The Relay Station (Valley Of The Yetis). | 25 |
Master Builder | Complete All Relay Station Upgrade Quests (Valley Of The Yetis, Single Player Only). | 50 |
Master of the Awakened | Kill 5 Yetis (Valley Of The Yetis, Single Player Only). | 50 |
Night Survivor (secret) | Defend The Relay Station And Survive The First Night (Valley Of The Yetis). | 25 |
Spiritual Hunter | Kill A Yeti (Valley Of The Yetis, Single Player Only). | 25 |
Achievement List
All Clear | Liberate all Outposts (Campaign only). | 50 |
Brother In Arms | Liberate 1 Outpost playing as Hurk (Campaign Co-op only). | 20 |
Caretaker Of Memory | Find 10 Lost Letters (Campaign only). | 15 |
Changing Lanes | Perform a Vehicle Takedown from the passenger seat of a vehicle (Campaign Co-op only). | 20 |
Community Surprise | Play a Top Rated map in the Map Browser (Map Browser only). | 20 |
Custom-Fitted | Buy all attachments and paint schemes for a single weapon (Campaign only). | 15 |
Defender | Repel 3 Outpost Retaliation Parties (Campaign only). | 15 |
Defuser | Complete 3 Bomb Defusal quests (Campaign only). | 10 |
Deliver Us From Evil | Liberate 12 Outposts (Campaign only). | 10 |
Display Of Fortitude | Conquer 2 Fortresses (Campaign only). | 20 |
Dr. Feelgood | Craft 15 syringes (Campaign only). | 10 |
Drive-By | Kill 25 enemies while shooting and driving (Campaign only). | 15 |
End Transmission | Liberate 8 Bell Towers (Campaign only). | 20 |
Exorcist | Remove or destroy 15 Masks of Yalung (Campaign only). | 10 |
Fixer-Upper | Purchase 3 items for the Ghale Homestead (Campaign only). | 20 |
Flame On! | Kill 50 enemies with fire (Campaign only). | 20 |
From A Distance | Kill a target from 60m or more with an arrow or bolt (Campaign only). | 15 |
Fully Loaded | Learn all skills (Campaign only). | 30 |
Gearhead | Complete 3 Kyrati Films | Racing or Kyrati Films | Survival activities (Campaign only). | 10 |
Hand Of Justice | Eliminate 3 Pagan's Wrath convoys (Campaign only). | 15 |
Hat-Trick (secret) | Decide Yuma's fate (Campaign only). | 50 |
Like A Bird | Fly 5000m total in the Wingsuit (Campaign only). | 10 |
Make It Rain | Spend 500,000 rupees total at Trading Posts (Campaign only). | 20 |
Misdirection | Distract 15 enemies with rocks (Campaign only). | 10 |
No One Left Behind | Rescue 15 hostages in Hostage Rescue quests (Campaign only). | 10 |
One Down (secret) | Decide De Pleur's fate (Campaign only). | 50 |
Overdose | Discover Shangri-La (Campaign only). | 10 |
Quad Kill | Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with a single explosion (Campaign only). | 20 |
Quick Learner | Learn 10 skills (Campaign only). | 10 |
Reign Of Death | Kill 30 enemies with Mortar rounds (Campaign only). | 10 |
Renaissance Man | Finish a public match of each game type in the Battles of Kyrat game mode (Battles of Kyrat only). | 20 |
Rewriting History | Remove 30 Propaganda Posters (Campaign only). | 40 |
Right Tributes | Spin 10 Mani Wheels (Campaign only). | 15 |
Roadkill | Run over 25 people (Campaign only). | 10 |
Robin Hood | Hijack 3 Royal Cargo Trucks and return them to a liberated Outpost (Campaign only). | 15 |
Shutterbug | Tag 25 enemies using the camera (Campaign only). | 10 |
The Good Fight | Reach Karma Level 2, and purchase any Guns For Hire upgrade (Campaign only). | 10 |
The King Is Dead (secret) | Decide Pagan Min's fate (Campaign only). | 100 |
The People's Champ | Reach Arena Rank 5 (Campaign Arena only). | 20 |
The Rarest Game | Complete 3 Kyrat Fashion Week quests (Campaign only). | 20 |
The Sky Is Falling | Perform a takedown from a Buzzer (Campaign only). | 15 |
Tread Lightly | Liberate any Outpost without triggering an alarm in any mode (Campaign only). | 20 |
Tricked Out | Craft 5 upgrades for your equipment (Campaign only). | 10 |
Trigger-Man | Complete 3 Assassination or Eye for an Eye quests (Campaign only). | 15 |
Tusker | Kill 30 enemies with an elephant (Campaign only). | 10 |
Two Birds | Using a sniper rifle, kill 2 targets with a single shot (Campaign only). | 10 |
Two Down (secret) | Decide Noore's fate (Campaign only). | 50 |
Welcome To Kyrat (secret) | Join the Golden Path (Campaign only). | 20 |
Well Read | Read 10 notes (Campaign only). | 10 |
Well-Rounded | Complete any 6 Hunting quests (Supplies, Control, Survival) (Campaign only). | 20 |
If you want to have some fun after finishing the game you may try cheat codes. Please don't use them while normal gameplay, because the balance will be completely ruined.
Far Cry config
- Locate your Far CryFCData folder and look for the file Scripts.pak;
- Open the .pak file with WinRar;
- Once opened locate folder ScriptsDefault and find the file GameRules.lua;
Now you can edit the file to get some advantages:
- Invincible. Change «ai_to_player_damage=1,1,1,0.5,0.5,0.5» to «ai_to_player_damage=0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0.0»;
- Max ammo per clip. While in the scripts folder find folders EntitiesWeapons. You are able to change the amount of ammunition per clip. There are a lot of parameters to change the weapons, just edit the lua files.

Developer mode
Start the game with the -DEVMODE command line parameter. One way to do this is to make a shortcut to the game on your desktop and right click the shortcut and edit the properties. Then before the ending ' put in the -DEVMODE option and click Ok. Then, press one of the following keys during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. Please note, when in dev mode, all levels will be unlocked.
Key | Effect |
F3 | Spawn point |
P | All weapons |
O | 999 ammunition |
F4 | Toggle no clipping |
F2 | Move to next checkpoint |
F9 | Save current position |
F10 | Load current positio |
F11 | Toggle extra information |
F1 | Toggle first and third person view |
Backspace | Toggle God mode |
= | Increase speed |
- | Decrease speed |
F5 | Return to Default speed |

Level access
Press ~ to display the console. Now enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding map.
Level | Code |
Arcive | map archive |
Boat | map boat |
Bunker | map bunker |
Carrier | map carrier |
Catacombs | map catacombs |
Control | map control |
Cooler | map cooler |
Dam | map dam |
Factory | map factory |
Fort | map fort |
Pier | map pier |
Rebellion | map rebellion |
Regulator | map regulator |
Research | map research |
River | map river |
Steam | map steam |
Swap | map swamp |
Training | map training |
Treehouse | map treehouse |
Volcano | map volcano |
Hex cheat for zero damage
Find folder farcrydemo/scripts/default. Use a text editor to open file Gamerules.lua. Change ai_to_player_damage = 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 to ai_to_player_damage = 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

Quick Save
Press ~ to show the console window. Type in save_game and press Enter.

Quick Load
Press ~ to show the console window. Type in load_game and press Enter.
Press ~ to show the console window. Type in give_all_ammo=1 and press Enter.
God Mode
Far Cry 4 Cheats
Press ~ to show the console window. Type in god_mode_count=1 and press Enter.
All Weapons
Press ~ to show the console window. Type in give_all_weapons=1 and press Enter.
How to beat the end of the carrier in the easiest way

At the end of the carrier, instead of killing all the guys on top of it, just shoot the gunner on the helicopter and jump into the water. Swim low and make sure you got the gunner. You will see him fall of the helicopter. If you didn't, he will just shoot you while you are in the water. Then swim to where the carrier was cracked, shoot off the chains of the raft boat, look above you to find it and swim away.
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